🎁Bonus Program

The Ribus Bonus Programs are intended to reward users who join the Programs with Ribus tokens, in order for them to have more tokens available to use the Ribus marketplace usability at the end of each Program. The Ribus marketplace presents opportunities for products and services aimed at the real estate market, such as hiring architects, engineers, lawyers, bringing ease and dynamics in hiring and exchanging Ribus Tokens for the desired services and/or products.

Therefore, the Bonus Programs that may be implemented by Ribus are intended to strengthen its marketplace, in order to demonstrate to Token Holders that they can solve various situations related to the real estate market in a digital way, with less bureaucracy and more ease, making use of the union of the worlds of digital and concrete!

Ribus, over time, may create different Bonus Programs, whose rules will be established in the terms of use of each program, always respecting the principles of information, transparency and good faith.

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