📲Token utilities

According to Savills Global Research Report titled “Trends in Global Real Estate Market in 2016”, the total market capitalization attributed to the global real estate market is approximately US$217 trillion, which is equivalent to approximately 2.7 times the global GDP, 36 times the global gold mining (US$6 trillion) and accounts for 60% of the main assets, making real estate the best option in the economy for investments, whether for countries, companies or individuals.

The token is the mediator vehicle for all types of interaction that takes place in the Ribus ecosystem, and will also be a facilitator of access to the partners inserted in this environment and the consumption of goods. Understand that the Ribus platform is an environment focused on accessing products, services and the real estate market.

View the Ribus token as an “access card”, which allows the appropriation of these solutions present on the platform, being them, especially, the marketplace aimed at the real estate market, disclosing opportunities for products and services with discounts.

Last updated